Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Downloading GNU software

GNU software is available by several different methods:

* Download it from the web or via FTP: we provide source code for all GNU software, free of charge. (Please also make a donation to the FSF, if you can, to help us write more free software.)
* Get a copy from a friend. (Likewise please make a donation if you can.)
* Buy a computer with a wholly free GNU/Linux system preinstalled from one of the companies that can offer this.
* Get the development sources for a package and build them, to help with development. Many GNU packages keep their development sources at the GNU hosting site savannah.gnu.org. Some packages use other source repositories, or have none at all. Each package's web pages should give the specifics.

An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux.

adduser Add a user to the system
addgroup Add a group to the system
alias Create an alias •
apropos Search Help manual pages (man -k)
apt-get Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
aptitude Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
aspell Spell Checker
awk Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/index
basename Strip directory and suffix from filenames
bash GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bc Arbitrary precision calculator language
bg Send to background
break Exit from a loop •
builtin Run a shell builtin
bzip2 Compress or decompress named file(s)
cal Display a calendar
case Conditionally perform a command
cat Display the contents of a file
cd Change Directory
cfdisk Partition table manipulator for Linux
chgrp Change group ownership
chmod Change access permissions
chown Change file owner and group
chroot Run a command with a different root directory
chkconfig System services (runlevel)
cksum Print CRC checksum and byte counts
clear Clear terminal screen
cmp Compare two files
comm Compare two sorted files line by line
command Run a command - ignoring shell functions •
continue Resume the next iteration of a loop •
cp Copy one or more files to another location
cron Daemon to execute scheduled commands
crontab Schedule a command to run at a later time
csplit Split a file into context-determined pieces
cut Divide a file into several parts
date Display or change the date & time
dc Desk Calculator
dd Convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot records
ddrescue Data recovery tool
declare Declare variables and give them attributes •
df Display free disk space
diff Display the differences between two files
diff3 Show differences among three files
dig DNS lookup
dir Briefly list directory contents
dircolors Colour setup for `ls'
dirname Convert a full pathname to just a path
dirs Display list of remembered directories
dmesg Print kernel & driver messages
du Estimate file space usage
echo Display message on screen •
egrep Search file(s) for lines that match an extended expression
eject Eject removable media
enable Enable and disable builtin shell commands •
env Environment variables
ethtool Ethernet card settings
eval Evaluate several commands/arguments
exec Execute a command
exit Exit the shell
expect Automate arbitrary applications accessed over a terminal
expand Convert tabs to spaces
export Set an environment variable
expr Evaluate expressions
false Do nothing, unsuccessfully
fdformat Low-level format a floppy disk
fdisk Partition table manipulator for Linux
fg Send job to foreground
fgrep Search file(s) for lines that match a fixed string
file Determine file type
find Search for files that meet a desired criteria
fmt Reformat paragraph text
fold Wrap text to fit a specified width.
for Expand words, and execute commands
format Format disks or tapes
free Display memory usage
fsck File system consistency check and repair
ftp File Transfer Protocol
function Define Function Macros
fuser Identify/kill the process that is accessing a file
gawk Find and Replace text within file(s)
getopts Parse positional parameters
grep Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
groups Print group names a user is in
gzip Compress or decompress named file(s)
hash Remember the full pathname of a name argument
head Output the first part of file(s)
help Display help for a built-in command •
history Command History
hostname Print or set system name
id Print user and group id's
if Conditionally perform a command
ifconfig Configure a network interface
ifdown Stop a network interface
ifup Start a network interface up
import Capture an X server screen and save the image to file
install Copy files and set attributes
jobs List active jobs •
join Join lines on a common field
kill Stop a process from running
killall Kill processes by name
less Display output one screen at a time
let Perform arithmetic on shell variables •
ln Make links between files
local Create variables •
locate Find files
logname Print current login name
logout Exit a login shell •
look Display lines beginning with a given string
lpc Line printer control program
lpr Off line print
lprint Print a file
lprintd Abort a print job
lprintq List the print queue
lprm Remove jobs from the print queue
ls List information about file(s)
lsof List open files
make Recompile a group of programs
man Help manual
mkdir Create new folder(s)
mkfifo Make FIFOs (named pipes)
mkisofs Create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem
mknod Make block or character special files
more Display output one screen at a time
mount Mount a file system
mtools Manipulate MS-DOS files
mtr Network diagnostics (traceroute/ping)
mv Move or rename files or directories
mmv Mass Move and rename (files)
netstat Networking information
nice Set the priority of a command or job
nl Number lines and write files
nohup Run a command immune to hangups
notify-send Send desktop notifications
nslookup Query Internet name servers interactively
open Open a file in its default application
op Operator access
passwd Modify a user password
paste Merge lines of files
pathchk Check file name portability
ping Test a network connection
pkill Stop processes from running
popd Restore the previous value of the current directory
pr Prepare files for printing
printcap Printer capability database
printenv Print environment variables
printf Format and print data •
ps Process status
pushd Save and then change the current directory
pwd Print Working Directory
quota Display disk usage and limits
quotacheck Scan a file system for disk usage
quotactl Set disk quotas
ram ram disk device
rcp Copy files between two machines
read Read a line from standard input •
readarray Read from stdin into an array variable •
readonly Mark variables/functions as readonly
reboot Reboot the system
rename Rename files
renice Alter priority of running processes
remsync Synchronize remote files via email
return Exit a shell function
rev Reverse lines of a file
rm Remove files
rmdir Remove folder(s)
rsync Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
screen Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh
scp Secure copy (remote file copy)
sdiff Merge two files interactively
sed Stream Editor
select Accept keyboard input
seq Print numeric sequences
set Manipulate shell variables and functions
sftp Secure File Transfer Program
shift Shift positional parameters
shopt Shell Options
shutdown Shutdown or restart linux
sleep Delay for a specified time
slocate Find files
sort Sort text files
source Run commands from a file `.'
split Split a file into fixed-size pieces
ssh Secure Shell client (remote login program)
strace Trace system calls and signals
su Substitute user identity
sudo Execute a command as another user
sum Print a checksum for a file
suspend Suspend execution of this shell •
symlink Make a new name for a file
sync Synchronize data on disk with memory
tail Output the last part of files
tar Tape ARchiver
tee Redirect output to multiple files
test Evaluate a conditional expression
time Measure Program running time
times User and system times
touch Change file timestamps
top List processes running on the system
traceroute Trace Route to Host
trap Run a command when a signal is set(bourne)
tr Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
true Do nothing, successfully
tsort Topological sort
tty Print filename of terminal on stdin
type Describe a command •
ulimit Limit user resources •
umask Users file creation mask
umount Unmount a device
unalias Remove an alias •
uname Print system information
unexpand Convert spaces to tabs
uniq Uniquify files
units Convert units from one scale to another
unset Remove variable or function names
unshar Unpack shell archive scripts
until Execute commands (until error)
useradd Create new user account
usermod Modify user account
users List users currently logged in
uuencode Encode a binary file
uudecode Decode a file created by uuencode
v Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')
vdir Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')
vi Text Editor
vmstat Report virtual memory statistics
watch Execute/display a program periodically
wc Print byte, word, and line counts
whereis Search the user's $path, man pages and source files for a program
which Search the user's $path for a program file
while Execute commands
who Print all usernames currently logged in
whoami Print the current user id and name (`id -un')
Wget Retrieve web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
write Send a message to another user
xargs Execute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)
yes Print a string until interrupted
. Run a command script in the current shell
### Comment / Remark

Commands marked • are bash built-ins, these are available under all shells.

Monday, June 28, 2010

PHP with MySql Server on Linux Web Hosting

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language for creating dynamic Web pages. It is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language. It is designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It is the most popular scripting for web development and obove all it is free, open source and server-side. Along with another same open-source relational database management system "MySql Server", for database management, php and mysql gives users great options to create any kind of website you want, from large corporate portals to small contact form site.

The normal process flow is something like: The visitor create the page with PHP and some static language like HTML, and when the visitor opens the page the server processes the php commands to create html based output and sends the data to the user. Unlike ASP or ColdFusion, however, PHP is cross-platform. PHP runs on Windows NT and many Unix versions also.

The endless possibilities of the PHP scripting language, and MySql Server to serve as back-end and a great community of users has made PHP and MySql one of the most popular web development environment in use today.

Features with PHP hosting:

BBelow are some of the featuers provided with HosterPK's Sql Server Hosting:

* PHP 4 and PHP 5
* MySql Server 4.x and 5.x with phpMyAdmin to manage your server on the go on web
* Database backup and restore options
* cPanel, Softaculous, Website Builder, Fantastico Deluxe (with more than 50 one-click script installations)
* Linux and Windows Platforms
* Generous diskspace and bandwidth
* Instant Account Activation
* 24/7 database support

You can get access to all of above features by using phpMyAdmin (see below). And rest assured to get the best support and services on both of our web hosting services.

phpMyAdmin for MySql Server

myLittleAdmin is an open source php based Sql Server administration tool used to manage the Sql Server on the internet for shared Ms Sql Server Installations. myLittleAdmin give you access to all the features of full featured MS Sql server including creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields, rows; user management, permissions and sql statements.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Joomla Template Builder

Joomla Themes from a Photoshop Template Design in Seconds

Make 3D Box Transparent in Photoshop Urdu Tutorials Part 1


Create link with other site in urdu

how to make a website in photoshop in urdu language

Dreamwearver Website Setup in URDU

Monday, June 21, 2010

php development

PHP originally stood for personal home page.[2] It began in 1994 as a set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) binaries written in the C programming language by the Danish/Greenlandic programmer Rasmus Lerdorf.[3][4] Lerdorf initially created these Personal Home Page Tools to replace a small set of Perl scripts he had been using to maintain his personal homepage. The tools were used to perform tasks such as displaying his résumé and recording how much traffic his page was receiving.[2]

He combined these binaries with his Form Interpreter to create PHP/FI, which had more functionality. PHP/FI included a larger implementation for the C programming language and could communicate with databases, enabling the building of simple, dynamic web applications. Lerdorf released PHP publicly on June 8, 1995, to accelerate bug location and improve the code.[5] This release was named PHP version 2 and already had the basic functionality that PHP has today. This included Perl-like variables, form handling, and the ability to embed HTML. The syntax was similar to Perl but was more limited, simpler, and less consistent.[2]

Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, two Israeli developers at the Technion IIT, rewrote the parser in 1997 and formed the base of PHP 3, changing the language's name to the recursive initialism PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.[2] The development team officially released PHP/FI 2 in November 1997 after months of beta testing. Afterwards, public testing of PHP 3 began, and the official launch came in June 1998. Suraski and Gutmans then started a new rewrite of PHP's core, producing the Zend Engine in 1999.[6] They also founded Zend Technologies in Ramat Gan, Israel.[2]

Monday, June 14, 2010

Search engine features

* Advanced search options: some words, all words ("+" sign), none of these words ("-" sign), exact phrase search (double quotes), search by category, search by last time modified, search by first letter of a title.
* Search results include webpage title, URL, a relevant excerpt with searched words emboldened, and the time of the last update. Output is controlled by templates.
* Auto-index: you can configure cronjob task to update search engine database automatically a few pages at a time.
* Other features: exclude stop-words from search, exclude site navigation from search, word forms recognition (for example, if you enter the word "dive", the script will also be looking for the derivative words like "dives", "dived", and "diving"), etc.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

HTML5 To Apple, You’re Doing It Wrong

I also think it’s a direct attack on Flash, Silverlight and anything else that Apple is not using on their products. Not directly perhaps, but it is fair to point out that Apple is looking to embrace HTML5 for all the wrong reasons. The idea behind the improvements made to HTML5 is this – open standards. The thing that was to differentiate video playback with this method, vs the others. Yet it’s beginning to feel like, Apple is choosing to lock down how they use HTML5.

Speculation at this point, but mark my words. We will almost for sure see the rise of “best viewed in Safari” before the year is out. Think I am nuts? Look at where Apple is headed with their products thus far. Control, control and more control. I see them making the same mistakes made by Microsoft in the 90’s. Worse, I see Apple becoming the very thing they fought so hard against in their 1984 commercial, IBM.

Software Engineering

Software Engineering provides the software engineering fundamentals, principles and skills needed to develop and maintain high quality software products. The software engineering processes and techniques covered include requirements specification, design, implementation, testing and management of software projects. This up-to-date book is modeled on the recommendations and guidelines prescribed in the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) published by the IEEE Computer Society, and the Software Engineering Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering published by the IEEE Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula.

Key Features:

* Covers the critical and significant topic of software maintenance
* Follows the recommendations and guidelines prescribed in the Guide to SWEBOK
* Clarifies the material in a concrete way by solving carefully selected examples
* Offers practical coverage of the Unified Modeling Language (UML 2)
* Provides suggested readings to supplement the text
* Includes end-of-chapter problems and solutions to selected problems
* Provides an instructor’s manual available on-line to instructors

Friday, May 28, 2010

the architectural trends in today’s microprocessor

Introduction to Today’s Microprocessor trends
From their humble beginning 25 years ago, microprocessors have proliferated into an astounding range of chips, powering devices ranging from telephones to supercomputers. Today, microprocessors for personal computers get widespread attention--and have enabled Intel to become the world's largest semiconductor maker. In addition, embedded microprocessors are at the heart of a diverse range of devices that have become staples of affluent consumers worldwide.
MAJC (pronounced "magic") is an acronym for "Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing." MAJC is a microprocessor architecture designed to meet the broadband demands of the 21st century. Addressing the challenge of high bandwidth and the need for state-of-the-art computational performance, MAJC architecture is characterized by:
• Scalability to take full advantage of advances in semiconductor technology.
. Broad scalabilty to systems with large numbers of processors.
• A new standard of performance for applications with DSP or New Media computational needs.
• Focus on bandwidth throughput.
Processor Needs into the 21st Century
Several microprocessor trends were identified and accommodated in the design of the MAJC Architecture:
• Convergence of communication media and computers (audio, video, and data) require processors to compute information at wire speed.
• Advancements in semiconductor technology will provide rapidly-increasing resources on each microprocessor chip.
• As microprocessors are used in increasingly disparate applications from smart cards to supercomputers there is great value in the ability to create a wide span of implementations from a given processor architecture.
• Software, over time, will become independent of specific instruction sets; Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation techniques are expected to predominate for general-purpose processors and eliminate binary compatibility issues.
• Bandwidth between processors, memory, and I/O devices needs to be available to move information in real-time.
• The content processed by computers is becoming increasingly media-rich; DSP-like functions are required to process this media content.
Features of Today’s Microprocessors.
• Modular Architecture
To support the creation of a wide range of implementations the architecture supports modular implementations. A basic implementation might comprise a single processor unit with four functional units. By replicating those design elements, an implementation can be built that includes a few or even hundreds of processors, each with four functional units, each of which can operate on many data items simultaneously with parallel-operation (SIMD) instructions. Conversely, a tiny application-specific implementation can be derived from the basic one by trimming the complement of functional units down to one or two and/or removing hardware support for any instructions not needed in its target application.
• Multiple Processor Units per Cluster
Although a MAJC implementation can be a single processor unit, the architecture explicitly incorporates the concept of multiple processors per implementation. Given 21st century semiconductor density, each such array of processor units or "processor cluster" can be implemented on a single chip. As semiconductor technology advances, clusters with more processors per chip can be implemented.
• Multiple Functional Units per Processor Unit
Every MAJC processor unit can issue multiple instructions simultaneously, one to each of its functional units. Most implementations are expected to provide two to four functional units per processor unit.
A Brief History of the Pentium Processor Family

The Pentium family of processors, which has its roots in the Intel486(TM) processor, uses the Intel486 instruction set (with a few additional instructions). The term ''Pentium processor'' refers to a family of microprocessors that share a common architecture and instruction set. The first Pentium processors (the P5 variety) were introduced in 1993. This 5.0-V processor was fabricated in 0.8-micron bipolar complementary metal oxide semiconductor (BiCMOS) technology. The P5 processor runs at a clock frequency of either 60 or 66 MHz and has 3.1 million transistors.
The next version of the Pentium processor family, the P54C processor, was introduced in 1994. The P54C processors are fabricated in 3.3-V, 0.6-micron BiCMOS technology. The P54C processor also has System Management Mode (SMM) for advanced power management
The Intel Pentium processor, like its predecessor the Intel486 microprocessor, is fully software compatible with the installed base of over 100 million compatible Intel architecture systems. In addition, the Intel Pentium processor provides new levels of performance to new and existing software through a reimplementation of the Intel 32-bit instruction set architecture using the latest, most advanced, design techniques. Optimized, dual execution units provide one-clock execution for "core" instructions, while advanced technology, such as superscalar architecture, branch prediction, and execution pipelining, enables multiple instructions to execute in parallel with high efficiency. Separate code and data caches combined with wide 128-bit and 256-bit internal data paths and a 64-bit, burstable, external bus allow these performance levels to be sustained in cost-effective systems. The application of this advanced technology in the Intel Pentium processor brings "state of the art" performance and capability to existing Intel architecture software as well as new and advanced applications.
The Pentium processor has two primary operating modes and a "system management mode."
The operating mode determines which instructions and architectural features are accessible.
These modes are:
• Protected Mode
This is the native state of the microprocessor. In this mode all instructions and architectural features are available, providing the highest performance and capability. This is the recommended mode that all new applications and operating systems should
target. Among the capabilities of protected mode is the ability to directly execute "real-address mode" 8086 software in a protected, multi-tasking environment. This feature is known as Virtual-8086 "mode" (or "V86 mode"). Virtual-8086 "mode" however, is not actually a processor "mode," it is in fact an attribute which can be enabled for any task (with
Advanced Features
The Pentium P54C processor is the product of a marriage between the Pentium processor's architecture and Intel's 0.6-micron, 3.3-V BiCMOS process The Pentium processor achieves higher performance than the fastest Intel486 processor by making use of the following advanced technologies.
• Superscalar Execution: The Intel486 processor can execute only one instruction at a time. With superscalar execution, the Pentium processor can sometimes execute two instructions simultaneously.
• Branch Target Buffer: The Pentium processor fetches the branch target instruction before it executes the branch instruction.
• 64-Bit Bus: With its 64-bit-wide external data bus (in contrast to the Intel486 processor's 32-bit- wide external bus) the Pentium processor can handle up to twice the data load of the Intel486 processor at the same clock frequency.
• Instruction Optimization: The Pentium processor has been optimized to run critical instructions in fewer clock cycles than the Intel486 processor.
• Floating-Point Optimization: The Pentium processor executes individual instructions faster through execution pipelining, which allows multiple floating-point instructions to be executed at the same time.
• Pentium Extensions: The Pentium processor has fewer instruction set extensions than the Intel486 processors. The Pentium processor also has a set of extensions for multiprocessor (MP) operation. This makes a computer with multiple Pentium processors possible.
A Pentium system, with its wide, fast buses, advanced write-back cache/memory subsystem, and powerful processor, will deliver more power for today's software applications, and also optimize the performance of advanced 32-bit operating systems (such as Windows 95) and 32-bit software applications.
System Requirement Analysis


In traditional computerized record keeping system of tailor shop has several drawbacks were present due to which it was hard to rely. It took a lot of time to conclude the fact. this result in time-consuming and somewhat inaccurate system, which causes great trouble for users. Its major drawbacks in the sense of working are:

• Accuracy : Business transactions not be accurately understandable, thus creating problems for clients.

• Economy : In the sense of economy or money matters, the traditional record keeping system also shows poor performance; as it requires lot of money to record.

• Timelines : The processing speed of traditional record keeping system is also very slow as compared to system, which gives result in very quick manner at the same time to all the connected clients.

• Capacity : It also requires large capacity to put the transactions, which may save in any physical medium i.e. storage media.

• Throughput : The output of traditional communication system is not very good as transactions can’t be properly recorded. Therefore, to make it accurate and applicable lots of time and efforts are required.

2.1.1 Evaluating This Problem
The main thing about the above-discussed problem is that it is very much slower and hard to accomplish. It also needs time to be done and even after that it is not much accurate as one expected. It also has many economical and social problems, which affect the coming result. In addition, many inconsistencies disrupt the process and make it a value structure. Therefore, I need a system, which overcomes all of these above given problems.
To solve this problem, I suggest two solutions. First, enhancing the traditional system by increasing the users, which though give some good throughput, but more money will be spent and there is also no guarantee of the accurate information’s. second, developing a special standardized record keeping system. Second one is the correct solution of the above given problem. Because developing a standard record keeping system will surely give accurate and rapid results and also the throughput will be up-to-date and error-free.
Therefore, this system ensures accuracy and also saves time of users to not to wait to verify the information’s and the data to all the connected users one by one. Therefore, it saves time to interact with others. Therefore, this computerized record keeping system is fast and accurate.

During our system study and going through various phases, we observed that a biggest problem in traditional communication system is its slowness and verification. Therefore, sometimes it really makes the difference in the work regarding time; the person using the system must know all the transactions and their preferences as well, to transmit a audio/video file. Otherwise he/she had to go through whole system wasting all the time to locate the transaction.

Technical Feasibility
1. We have to create a computerized recording system of tailor shop to share business information and business activities information with other connected users.
2. Visual Basic is very much reliable, robust and platform independent and its used all over the world.
3. Any one can access this technology easily due to its format that meets the user need.

Economical Feasibility
1. It required a full time system study to make strong entity relationships that automatically do main work such as business information and receiving of other business information.
2. Cost of system study is not very mush.
3. Not much money is spent on buying the hardware used to operate this system.

Operational Feasibility
1. The system should be operated due to its performance and ease of recording and receiving of business information.
2. This system will be provided basic capability of accessing shop information.
3. It is easy to configure and use.
4. Operational times is very low (through mainly depend on the user machine).

2.2.1 Management and Legal Feasibility
1. This system provides full supports to the users to manage and control the system and getting easy access to the overall record keeping process.
2. Through this system study a user can not only understand and perform the process, but it can also get the response in a quick way.
3. If we talk about its legal point of view, this system has a benefit that it is a freeware that any organization can easily use it.

For this project, less expensive and simple hardware and software is required. But if we take the real advantage of the computerized record keeping system of tailor shop, it is really a cheaper software system. this means that cost of the several hardware and software pieces will be cut off, which is much favorable thing for client. Main things about the system’s hardware and software requirements are as under:

2.3.1 Hardware Required
o Pentium-III 400 MHz or higher
o 128 MB of RAM
o 10 MB Hard Disk Space Minimum
o Color Monitor
o Keyboard
o Mouse (Optional)
o CD-ROM (Optional)

Softwares Required
o Windows XP of higher
o Visual Basic 6.0
o Microsoft Access

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Software architectural layers

Computer software is designed to operate through a series of architectural layers. Quite simply, the lowest or inner layer interfaces directly with the computer hardware and provides a set of services to the next layer above. This layer interfaces with the layer below and provides a set of services to the layer above, and so forth. The highest layer interfaces with the layer below and provides a set of services to the computer operator or end user, but cannot interface directly with the computer hardware.

There are multiple architectural layers within the major layers described above, and layers that communicate as messengers between various levels.

The diagram below illustrates the two most basic layers of computer software, namely operating systems and applications software.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New computer tools

Laptops »

New Vaio VPCX128LG/X is the newest laptop from Sony company and launched one month back.This laptop is 11.1 inches (28.2 cm ) of lcd and light extreme thin mobile laptop with highly plus long duration battery.It has extremely high performance for wireless connectivity like Bluetooth with a fast 128 gb SSD which is resistant to shocks
Features :This newest laptop comes with loaded software of genuine windows 7 which is the best for business that can be useful in many ways even with all entertainment features.This laptop based on …
Computers »
This is an old processor for core i7 but it is not too old and gives better perfomance speed for enthusiasts.The price is even low while compared the i7 processor.
This intel core i7 processor automatically allocates power processing wherever it needed whether we are creating HD videos,photos or playing the games.from this processor one can use multitask with easy and more productive.
The specifications of this processor comes with 2.66 Ghz to 3.20 Ghz with intel turbo boost technology.Corei5 and i7 both are having 8mb cache so their is no …
Computers »

Intel has been already launched core 17 processor that is the newest one from Intel company.This new intel processor gives very high speed and it is very good for enthusiasts.It will handle multitasks programs,applications once at a time even for media.
From the speed of the processor you will get maximum performance whatever you want to do.This processor will be turbo boost technology which gives maximum performance for your needs.
This product comes with the speed of 3.06 GHz, 2.93 GHz, and 2.66 GHz core speed.The latest is 3.06 ghz that gives …
Computers »

This is the newest product from Intel.This desktop is very attractive for users those who are looking for gaming,graphics Bluetooth Nvidia.Graphics is most important for everyone and this new motherbard has great features with great performance.
Processor :Since the product launch the new mother board supports for intel Intel® Core™ i7-800 processor series in an LGA1156 socket or Intel® Core™ i5-700 processor series in an LGA1156 socket.both the processors are supported but in future new processors would come and it may also be supported but please check the item before inserting …
Computers, Headline »

Asus has been recently launched new motherboard p6t6 WS Revolution.This new motherboard works as an ideal powerful workstation with the Intel® X58 / ICH10R.The chipset can handle various types of programs games,multimedia,graphics and even it will makes more speed to the cpu.The processsor which can be used is Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Extreme Edition ,Core™ i7 Processor ,Xeon® 3500 Series Processor.
For the latest demand in the industry asus has been made this chipset you can see full details about this pc and functioning

Friday, May 21, 2010

computer technology

Day by day, we see new computer technologies emerging, taking shape and literally transforming our entire information technology world. Discoveries are made on a daily basis in all areas of computer technology. Our passion is to share these new developments with you.

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New Computer Technology is becoming such an integral part of our lives, that it is not only much of the time overlooked, but often it seems we can't even keep up with the latest advances.

Pc's and computers have more capacity, processing power, and features than ever before.

We regularly feature stories on the latest advances in computer and pc technology, and we do so with the viewpont that a single breakthrough in some area of computer technology may have an impact on our lives in a totally different dimension.

Because all these technologies are becoming more 'inter-twined', one area often affects another. On our site, we try to give you a glimpse of how various technologies are developing and impacting our lives, including new developments in the area of computing.
