Saturday, June 5, 2010

HTML5 To Apple, You’re Doing It Wrong

I also think it’s a direct attack on Flash, Silverlight and anything else that Apple is not using on their products. Not directly perhaps, but it is fair to point out that Apple is looking to embrace HTML5 for all the wrong reasons. The idea behind the improvements made to HTML5 is this – open standards. The thing that was to differentiate video playback with this method, vs the others. Yet it’s beginning to feel like, Apple is choosing to lock down how they use HTML5.

Speculation at this point, but mark my words. We will almost for sure see the rise of “best viewed in Safari” before the year is out. Think I am nuts? Look at where Apple is headed with their products thus far. Control, control and more control. I see them making the same mistakes made by Microsoft in the 90’s. Worse, I see Apple becoming the very thing they fought so hard against in their 1984 commercial, IBM.


THE EVER said...

Keep Succes For U friend

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